Back to School Checklist
August 20, 2021
It is that time of year again. Students are pouring into college campuses. Instructors are reviewing their syllabuses. With anticipation in the air for this fall semester, there also is a sense of wonder of how this semester will go. For many schools, this may be the first time students and instructors are back in-person since before the COVID-19 pandemic shut down campuses and schools all over. It may have been awhile since you have actually stepped foot on campus, in a lecture hall, or in a lab. Whether it has been a year and a half or three months since you have been back in the classroom - we have outlined a checklist to make sure your lab and classroom are ready for the semester!
1. New Anatomy Resources
Like most memorization heavy topics, the best way to help students comprehend and retain what they are learning is providing as many different types of resources possible to assist them. Everybody learns differently. Some students prefer memorization approaches, others prefer case studies. Some students prefer multiple choice questions and others like open ended questions. With BodyViz, students and instructors have the option to study anatomy in a multitude of ways. With our 3D anatomy dissection program, students can practice identifying and labeling the correct anatomical structures. With our interactive anatomy online learning portal, students can use the review quizzes to work through a variety of questions and activities to help solidify the concepts they are learning. Students can use the review modules which are sorted by system, an unlimited number of times for practice. Our online portal also offers activities instructors can assign to students to complete as homework outside of the classroom since the BodyViz Portal can be accessed anywhere with Wi-Fi.
2. Real Anatomy
A couple of cow eyes, sheep brains, pig hearts, a cat or two, maybe a frog… All anatomy instructors have been there, done that with these cadavers. Human cadavers are hard to be found and expensive to have. If only there was a way to get new and interesting specimens… But, there is! BodyViz has 1000’s of scans that allow instructors and students to explore real human anatomy and even interesting cadaver animals like alligators, equine, eagle, snakes, canines, and more! Our library of scans also includes 3D visualizations of a multitude of different diseases and injuries. BodyViz 3D dissection software allows students to get an opportunity to examine and dissect real patient anatomy with real medical complications!
3. Interesting Visualizations
You want your anatomy class to come to life (well...maybe not the cadaver cats -we already faced a pandemic and I do not think we are ready for the zombie cat apocalypse). Instructors need more interesting ways to visualize and show examples of anatomy. With BodyViz, instructors are able to screen record and capture pictures from dissections. These videos and pictures can easily be inserted into lecture PowerPoints and shared with students. Imagine giving a lecture about the heart and performing a heart dissection with BodyViz live in class while you explain and show the heart in 3D!

The world has changed and so has education. At BodyViz, we want to support anatomy instructors of all levels and help them migrate towards the future of anatomy education. To learn more about BodyViz and our resources that are changing anatomy classes and labs everywhere - schedule a demo and our team would be happy to answer any questions and help you come up with a plan for your classes!
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