Adding a Personal Touch to Your Anatomy Classroom
July 8, 2021
Some of the more intriguing aspects of human anatomy are the small variations between anatomical structures from one person to another. Oftentimes these aspects are overlooked and not given the attention they require within many anatomy curriculums today. A challenge instructor's face is teaching students that real anatomy is not actually how it may look in the textbook drawing - there are many natural variations from person to person. BodyViz 3D anatomy software comes packaged with our MyBodyViz Library, which showcases different variations from hundreds of examples of real human anatomy. These studies also include patient information like age, sex, existing pathology/injury, and more, to help students apply the information they are learning from to a real-world scenario. But what if you wanted take it a step further, to see real examples of your own body’s anatomical variations? We’ve got you covered!
BodyViz anatomy software enables users to virtually dissect and explore 3D visualizations of their own anatomy! Anyone who recently received an MRI or CT scan can upload the data directly into the 3D anatomy software to see exactly what the inside of their body looks like. As a patient, we have the right to the data of our MRI or CT scans. Simply ask the doctor for the CD file once your scan is completed and upload it into BodyViz software!
BodyViz anatomy software renders 3D visualizations from DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) data by stacking hundreds of MRI or CT images on top of each other, similar to a deck of cards. This process creates incredibly accurate 3D visualizations of the patient’s anatomy (pictured below). The 3D visualizations are easily loaded into the dataset library and can be used to virtually dissect and explore your own MRI or CT scan using a computer or tablet. The anatomy software is very user friendly and doesn’t require any previous knowledge of reading MRI/CT scans or DICOM data.
Many overlook the long-term impact an investment in 3D anatomy software can provide. As anatomy curriculums grow denser by the year, it’s necessary to integrate a solution that will be able to adapt to changes in the classroom 5, 10, and even 20 years down the line. BodyViz has the capability of growing and expanding alongside your anatomy curriculum and institutional goals. Our solutions can easily expand to make room for increasing enrollment rates, as well as offer anatomical resources for students in different anatomy course levels and programs. The same virtual anatomy solution can be used for students at any academic level, in any program.

How does this help my students and me?
Instructors are struggling more than ever to keep students engaged. With the entire world going online, increasing accessibility of technology, and advancements in technology - it is becoming more and more difficult to keep students engaged, let alone get their attention, during lecture and lab sessions. In previous blog articles, Dr. Bob Tallitsch reflects back on his 40-year tenure as an anatomy professor and the increased engagement and comprehension he experienced when implementing computer assisted anatomy tools, similar to BodyViz 3D anatomy software. This is proven by our team results, as a customer recently reported seeing an increase of 23% in student attendance and 10% in grade performance, after BodyViz was implemented into the anatomy curriculum. Why try and compete with the technology that is consuming the minds of students, and instead use it to your advantage! Not only do students enjoy getting to use this innovative technology, it also significantly increases their performance and comprehension of both basic and advanced anatomical concepts.
BodyViz can easily be implemented into any pedagogical approach and scale to any teaching environment, providing access to real anatomy anytime, anywhere. To learn more about our 3D anatomy solutions, schedule a demo at a time most convenient for you and check out the links below!
See How BodyViz Works
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