Use ESSER Funding to Support Your New Software Purchases

June 14, 2023

Attention schools! ESSER funds can cover the cost of BodyViz's innovative 3D anatomy learning solutions. Ask your administration about these funds today to create a more engaging and inclusive environment for your students!

Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress passed three stimulus bills between March 2020 and 2021, allocating billions of dollars to the Elementary and Secondary Emergency Education Relief Fund (ESSER or ESSERF). These funds aim to provide emergency financial assistance to address the impact of the pandemic on elementary and secondary schools. In this article, we will explore how schools can utilize ESSER II and III funds to purchase educational software and how BodyViz, a leading technology provider, can assist schools in acquiring their innovative learning solutions.

ESSER funds are designed to support a wide range of educational technology, including hardware, software, connectivity, assistive technology, and adaptive equipment. These resources facilitate regular and substantive educational interaction between students and their instructors. Importantly, ESSER funds can be used to address the unique needs of students from low-income families and children with disabilities. With its diverse range of modules, the BodyViz portal offers a powerful tool to enhance anatomy education and fill any gaps in students' understanding.

Increasing Accessibility 

The BodyViz portal offers students and teachers unparalleled accessibility and flexibility. It can be accessed both in the classroom and as part of homework or study materials. By providing students with virtual illustrations and examples, BodyViz goes beyond what traditional cadavers and other anatomy learning resources can offer. Moreover, the virtual approach supported by BodyViz allows students who may be hesitant towards traditional dissection methods to engage more comfortably with the subject matter, leading to a better learning experience overall. Schools can now embrace the virtual learning possibilities offered by BodyViz, knowing that the cost can be covered by ESSER funds, eliminating concerns associated with in-person dissection-based learning.

Applying for ESSER Funding

ESSER funds vary by state but are available to all schools, regardless of Title I funding. Schools interested in utilizing these funds to enhance their educational software and technology can apply for ESSER II and III funding. The allocation deadlines and spending due dates are as follows:

ESSER II ($55 Billion):

  • September 30, 2023: Allocation of ESSER II Funds due
  • January 31, 2024: ESSER II spending due

ESSER III ($122 Billion):

  • September 30, 2024: Allocation of ESSER III due
  • January 31, 2025: ESSER III spending due

To navigate the process of applying for and receiving ESSER funds, schools can rely on the support of the BodyViz team. Their expertise and understanding of ESSER funding can assist schools in exploring financing options that align with their specific needs and budgetary requirements.

BodyViz Support

The ESSER II and III funds provide a significant opportunity for schools to invest in educational software and technology that can enhance student learning and address the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. With the availability of BodyViz's innovative anatomy learning portal and the coverage of ESSER funds, schools can embrace virtual learning solutions while ensuring accessibility for all students. It is crucial for institutions to explore the possibilities offered by these funds and leverage them to create a more engaging and inclusive learning environment. By partnering with BodyViz, schools can receive valuable support throughout the process of applying for and utilizing ESSER funds to acquire the educational software needed to facilitate student success.

ESSER Reporting Resources can be found here, on the United States Department of Education website.

To learn more about BodyViz’s 3D virtual anatomy dissection platform, schedule a demo at a time that works best for you and follow the helpful links below. 

Take advantage of ESSER funds and revolutionize your school's anatomy education with BodyViz!

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